


Whether you hold a 护理学理学士 or an Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN), there's a pathway in women’s health for you to advance your career.

Are you a nursing professional looking to elevate your career in women's health? Herzing大学's latest offering might be what you are looking for. The 妇女保健护士执业(WHNP)硕士学位课程 is a groundbreaking opportunity designed to equip nurses with the specialized skills needed to excel in this critical healthcare field.

Whether you hold a 护理学理学士 or an Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN), there's a pathway in women’s health for you to advance your career.


妇女保健护士从业人员 (WHNPs)是医疗保健中不可或缺的数字, serving as advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) dedicated to the health and well-being of women. They offer a variety of healthcare services tailored to women's unique needs including obstetrics and gynecology, and preventive and educational primary care across all ages and stages of life. 

通过强调预防措施的重要性, WHNPs help their patients proactively manage their health and reduce the risk of future complications while being a source of knowledge that women can trust.


幸运28计划完成后, graduates become eligible to sit for the 妇女保健执业护士 Board Certification (WHNP-BC) exam, 一份为许多职业机会打开大门的证书. WHNPs可以在不同的环境中工作,包括:

  • 医生的办公室
  • 妇女保健中心
  • 计划生育中心
  • Clinics
  • Hospitals
  • 学术机构(如教育工作者或研究人员)

Their roles encompass a wide range of responsibilities,包括:

  • 进行全面体检
  • 订购和解释诊断测试
  • 开处方和治疗
  • 制定和实施个体化治疗计划
  • 提供预防保健和保健服务
  • 进行例行检查和评估
  • Offering patient education and counseling on various health topics
  • Collaborating with other healthcare professionals to ensure holistic patient care
  • 倡导妇女的健康权利和倡议


There are multiple options available to you as you decide to earn a 妇女保健执业护士 (WHNP).

一种选择是追求 护理学硕士 (MSN)从一开始. 如果你已经拥有非护理学士学位, 你可能有资格参加在线MSN直接进入幸运28计划,为您的高级护理职业生涯提供了一条精简的路线.

或者,你可以选择追求一个 护理学副学士 (ASN) or 护理学学士学位 (BSN)学位. These undergraduate programs serve as a foundation for the WHNP specialty. 一旦你获得了本科护理学位, you'll need to successfully pass the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) and fulfill the requirements set forth by your state's board of nursing to begin practicing as an RN.

Herzing大学护理学院 为当前注册护士追求MSN-WHNP提供了多种途径:

  • BSN to MSN: Our MSN-WHNP program caters to RNs holding a 护理学理学士, offering a direct route to specialized education and training in women's health.
  • ADN/ASN转MSN:针对拥有护理副学士学位的注册护士, our 加速RN到MSN-WHNP option offers an expedited pathway to an MSN, equipping you with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the WHNP specialty.

不管你选择哪条路, advancing your nursing career to specialize as a WHNP opens doors to greater autonomy, 扩大实践范围,增强职业成就感.


在赫兹大学, 软件下载优先考虑您的成功,并提供一系列功能 that set us apart as your partner in achieving your educational and career goals.

  • Pathways to Success: Many of our online programs provide pathways for continuous learning, allowing you to seamlessly progress from one degree level to another. Whether you're pursuing an associate degree or aiming for your MSN, Herzing offers a structured pathway to help you reach your ultimate educational aspirations.
  • Flexible and Convenient: With Herzing, flexibility and convenience are paramount. Our online learning platform enables you to earn your degree from the comfort of your own home, 没有严格的时间表来支配你的学习旅程.
  • Personalized Attention: Despite the online format, you're never alone at Herzing. Our dedicated faculty and support staff are committed to guiding you through your academic journey, offering individualized assistance and mentorship every step of the way.
  • 在线和/或校内选择:在Herzing, 软件下载认识到每个学生的学习偏好都是独一无二的. That's why we offer a blend of online and on-campus learning experiences, providing you with the flexibility to choose the format that best suits your needs and lifestyle.

与深圳大学合作, you're not just embarking on an educational journey; you're joining a supportive community dedicated to empowering you to achieve your academic and professional aspirations, 无论他们走向何方.



*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook Handbook 2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, age, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the average salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, promotion, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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